
Live Psychotherapy

Services On Location. Our greatest struggles often times occur outside of the therapy room/session. A therapist can be there for you during those most challenging times. Contact Us for more information and scheduling.

live psychotherapy session

Our “Live Concierge” treatment approach allows for treatment outside of the traditional therapy structure. For example: services “on location” are available for patients who struggle with psychiatric instability; i.e., phobias or anxiety, or challenges in relationship conflicts, and need additional support either in person (which may include the therapist traveling to your location), or via HIPAA compliant phone, text or video chat.

This cutting edge form of psychotherapy allows for availability outside of normal business hours and can include evenings and weekends. You and your treatment provider will discuss the therapy model that will work best for you.

Our Providers

Our providers are highly trained, licensed professionals whom are highly respected in the Mental Health field. We offer elite, live Psychotherapy sessions.

Click on our providers below to find out more about each Doctor and schedule an In-Person or TeleHealth session.

Dr. Gretchen A. Boules

Licensed Prescribing Psychologist
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Board Certified Tele-Mental Health Provider

Click below to find out more about Dr. Boules and schedule an In-Person or TeleHealth session.

Dr. Melanie Carli

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Click below to find out more about Dr. Carli and schedule an In-Person or TeleHealth session.

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